Commission queue: 6/6
Site last updated: 29/09/2024

Scroll down for prices!



Base price: 100 USD
Extra characters: +[bust/half/full price] USD each
Average wait time: 4 weeks
Late submission: 50% off final payment
Commercial use: x2 base price
Prices may vary based on level of complexity and estimated time until completion.

Or message me on Discord @sebiiroo!


30 USD45 USD70 USD

Extra characters: +70 USD each
Average wait time: 4 weeks
Late submission: 50% off final payment
Commercial use: x2 base price

Or message me on Discord @sebiiroo!

Percentages apply to base prices above, not the accumulative total.

Is your desired commission not described above? Contact me on Discord (@sebiiroo) and let me customize an order for you!


To order, either DM me on Discord (@swinteroo) or fill out the Google Form below!

• All payments must be strictly via GCash or PayPal.• I reserve the right to decline orders for any reason.
50% of the final fee is required before I start any work for you. The remaining half will be paid upon completion.• Commissions are only to be posted with proper credit (e.g. pfp/art by @sebiiroo).
• Refunds will not be given unless I cannot work on your order for a valid reason.• I own and retain all rights to my work. All commissions may be used for my public portfolio/streaming with all your details but your username kept anonymous.
• You are entitled to 3 free revisions during the process. Any further revisions require an additional fee of $5. Chances for revisions end 24 hours after the final product is sent.• I do not consent to having my art used for AI or NFT related activities.

By commissioning me, you understand and agree to the above terms and conditions.